ACE Learns: Representation in Conservation Series

 Laura Herrin and Jenn Layman


August 28th  | 12pm PST / 3pm EST



Laura Herrin joined ACE in 2018 as President and CEO. In the time since joining, ACE has grown in size and stature and is recognized as one of the nation’s premier conservation corps. Laura has a long tenure working in the Conservation Corps arena. Prior to her role at ACE, she served fifteen years with the Student Conservation Association, ultimately as its Senior Vice president for Program. During her time at SCA Laura wore many hats including program and partnership development and implementation, risk management and safety, innovation and organizational growth. Laura holds a bachelor’s degree from Wheaton College (MA) and a Master’s degree in Organizational Management and Leadership. She is a certified black belt in Innovation Engineering.

Jenn Layman came to ACE two years ago as its National Director of EPIC Programs and this spring moved into ACE”s Chief Program Officer role. She’s spent her career supporting youth and young adults in achieving their dreams, first in higher education and now in the conservation corps world. As ACE’s CPO, she is dedicated to creating inclusive conservation spaces for ACE members and staff and continuous program improvement. 


We hope you’ll join us!


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