Top Questions Asked by Emerging Professionals In Conservation (EPIC) Applicants

Additional information can be found on our General Resources page, including additional FAQs.
 For further questions, feel free to reach out to

Can I serve as a Corps member if I’m over age 30? 

Most of our positions are funded by federal funds earmarked for youth programs aimed at ages 18-30 and up to age 35 for veterans. There are opportunities for individuals over age 30 to volunteer to benefit public lands, for example, the National Park Service (NPS) has a volunteer program. Learn more by visiting the NPS Website.

Are EPIC positions available year-round? When can I apply?

ACE offers positions year-round, ranging from 30 to 100+ positions depending on the time of the year.  We usually post upcoming positions 1-3 months in advance of their anticipated start date. Be sure to check our ACE EPIC job board during the winter months (December-March) as we typically have the most positions available during that time frame. For full consideration, be sure to look at the start and end dates of each announcement to see if it fits within your availability.

What are 3 things EPIC recruiters are looking for in a successful EPIC candidate? 

1. A well-formatted resume and cover letter relating directly to the position.

2. A background in the subject of interest, hands-on experience in an equivalent area, or a strong willingness to learn.

3. Excitement and passion for the position.

Are there EPIC positions that I can do within the summer months between school?

EPIC offers programs as short as 3 months or up to a year-long depending on the position type. CREW programs are typically shorter and have more flexibility to fit within a shorter time frame however, we also offer a handful of EPIC positions that fit within a summer season.

View Remaining FAQs Here

What kind of mentorship is available through EPIC opportunities?

One of the unique benefits of participating in an EPIC position is that you will have the direct support of an ACE Member Manager (who serves as your ACE point of contact during your term) in addition to your direct land management agency Site Mentor who oversees the day-to-day support needed for the position.  Both your ACE Member Manager and Site Mentor are available to help you with any questions, concerns, or support you may need during your term.

What skills have people gained through EPIC?

Skills gained can look different from location to location as well as from position to position. ACE Members can learn new skills through their given position duties. Members may also have the opportunity to attend cross-training events or develop individual projects. Your ACE point of contact and Site Mentor are excellent resources for support and guidance throughout your term.

Where have EPIC Alumni taken their experience beyond ACE?

ACE aims to link the best possible candidates with the best fitting positions in order to optimally meet the needs of the land management agency and offer opportunities to Members just getting started on their careers in conservation.

Our Members have gone on to get seasonal and permanent careers within land management agencies such as NPS, BLM, FWS, and more! Other ACE Members have gone on to graduate programs in fields related to their position. We’ve also had ACE Alumni work for ACE!

Who do I contact if I have a specific question about a position announcement?

If you have specific questions about a position you are interested in, please contact the recruiter listed under the “To Apply” section of the given position announcement. ACE is happy to answer any questions you may have during the application process.

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