At our main headquarters in Flagstaff, AZ we are working to lessen the effects that food waste has on our environment while helping our local community.
ACE food shoppers organize, shop for and pack thousands of pounds of canned food, perishables and produce to keep our hard working corps members fed throughout their projects.
With so many mouths to feed it can be hard for our shoppers to quantify the amount of food we purchase vs. the members and project needs. It’s a challenge to shop without having some food waste but we are always looking for ways to cut down on what we throw away.
On a yearly basis, between 30 and 40 percent of food (133 billion pounds) in the United States goes uneaten and thrown away to landfills. While uneaten food is gradually rotting in the landfill, it releases methane, a greenhouse gas that is approximately 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a heat-trapping gas. ACE hopes to lessen our own greenhouse gas footprint.
Sunn has been donating our extra produce since the beginning of the year. She estimates we donate at least 60 to 100 pounds of produce a month. We’ve also donated about 80 pounds of canned goods during our warehouse clean out this past April.
“Its great because we are being more conservative by not wasting food and also helping hungry families get fresh produce.” said Sunn Mixon. “We are really happy we are not wasting as much anymore, but there is always room for improvement.”
Sunn came up with the idea after speaking to a person through another local Flagstaff business, Cornucopia Community Advocates. She was directed to the Full Circle Pantry she says “because they’re a great organization and I know that the customers that go there are treated with kindness and respect.”
ACE Flagstaff staff hope to expand this idea to our other branches nationwide in hopes that we can be part of the solution in trying to not only keep the waste out of our local landfills but to help combat global climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our environment.
For more information on Full Circle Charities and the Peoples Pantry.