By Clara Chang
On Monday, I attended the 20th Anniversary of the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Move event in Buxton, and listened to all the speakers and panelists on their own personal accounts and memories of the historic event. I also participated in an oral history interview given by Aida Havel and my supervisor, Jami. Also while at Cape Hatteras, Jami and I conducted the monthly measurements of the cracks in the Lighthouse base using an electronic digital caliper.
This past week I also began taking photos of cataloged archaeological objects at the Museum Resource Center to eventually add to the cataloging system. I also digitized slides from the Fort Raleigh collection as well as the Wright Brothers collection using a slide converter. As we also received a research request for photos of the Wright Brothers National Monument construction from the early 1930s, I began organizing and sorting through the Wright Brothers photo collection. In addition to finding the photos for the request, I also integrated more photos into the chronological collection.
Finally, I also spent a couple days at the Outer Banks Group Headquarters to copy and archive compliance files for transfer to the Museum Resource Center.