CRDIP | Making a Case for Case

CRDIP | Making a Case for Case

Making a Case for Case   Written By: Julia Williams Tucked away to the side of the historic Wayside and after a little trek through the woods, visitors look in the right direction, they may stumble upon a small plaque entitled “Casey’s Home”. The plaque reads:...
CRDIP | Navy Yard Summer

CRDIP | Navy Yard Summer

Navy Yard Summer   Written By: Lucy Oster   I have been at Boston National Historical Park, and specifically in the Charlestown Navy Yard, for almost a month and a half now, but it doesn’t feel that way. A lot of what I’ve been doing here has been refiling...
CRDIP | Embracing the Natural

CRDIP | Embracing the Natural

Embracing the Natural   Written By: Jennifer Vieyra-Sanchez   At the wooden desk in the small lobby, smiling kindly beside a park ranger, I’ve many times heard visitors at Horseshoe Bend National Military Park say, “My, you guys are in the middle of...
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