Last Week at INDE

Written by Jada Yolich



As these are my last few days at Independence (INDE), I want to take a moment to reflect on this summer and all the things I’ve accomplished at the park. I’ve learned so much about CRM (Cultural Resource Management) and historic preservation and feel like I’ve really contributed something substantial to Independence’s CRM department. I’ve been able to conduct relevant research and be a part of a project that truly reflects the National Park Service’s commitment to underrepresented histories. When presenting my findings about the Syng Inkstand to the Interpretation and CRM departments at INDE, there was discussion of doing a reinterpretation of the artifact based on my research and that was really exciting.



I also got to do a lot of collaborative work with other members and build great relationships with them. It was really fun to be a part of a small cohort of members and interns in the office! It allowed me to further develop my work relationships and made working with professionals a little less intimidating.



Overall, I had a great summer at Independence and I’m really thankful to ACE for making this happen. The CRDIP program has had a huge impact on my personal and professional goals and after being encouraged to pursue a career in historic preservation, I am excited to begin and see where it takes me!

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