Learning about Lithics!
Written by: Sofía Muñoz

Hello! This summer I am spending my time as an intern at Capitol Reef National Park working with the cultural resources team. I have been here two weeks and already learning more about archaeological field work and museum management than in any class I’ve taken.
My very first week me and another intern, Becca, from a nearby university were tasked with the moving of important fossils and cleaning them before putting them into our museum space.

In addition to this I have already learned how to identify different artifacts such as historic cans or prehistoric lithics. The archaeological technicians I am working with have included me on their transects, meaning I walk and search for historic or prehistoric items with them, as pictured in my banner photo. During this process I have also learned how to document sites that are found on a variety of forms used in the National Parks Service, as well as the state of Utah.
I have also learned an immense amount about museum management and am working with the parks Cultural Resource manager to create a museum housekeeping plan and do the yearly inventory.
Overall, my adjustment to the park has been easy and everyone here has been incredibly kind and willing to answer all my questions. I am loving doing field work and getting out to different parts of the park, as well as the museum work I am getting to do.