By Allison Hillman
July 21st-Aug 3rd
These work weeks were full of Junior Ranger initiations, North Bridge talks, and Hartwell Tavern musket demonstrations. The last day of my internship is on the 10th, so it is sad to see everything coming to an end.
Hartwell Musket Firings
I spent several days at Hartwell Tavern dressed in colonial garb and talking about the historic Hartwell home. I also gave a few musket firing demonstrations. These demonstrations start with me giving the audience a talk about the Minutemen. I will then have them line up in formation and talk them through battle tactics used on April 19, 1775, then I will end with the musket firing. A few days ago my 91 year old grandmother came to see me do the demonstration. She loved it!
Afterwards I let her hold the musket, and she said it was the first time she has ever held a gun in her life. So far, Hartwell Tavern has been my favorite part of the internship. I love dressing in costume and firing for the audience, it has been an incredible experience.
I spent a handful of days at the North Bridge and the North Bridge visitor’s center. The picture below was taken at the famous Minute Man statue at the bridge. I spend hours down here talking to visitors, answering questions, and petting lots of cute dogs. Overall, I have had an amazing time here at Minute Man. I am excited to move on to other things, but I have valued every second of my internship here and am so sad to see it ending. I will definitely be returning here to see my old coworkers and all the important sites that helped create American History.