ACE National Visitor Survey: A National Wildlife Refuge Road Trip

When the road calls your name, you have to answer. Five months ago, we – Pascale and Kearan – accepted a job as National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) Visitor Survey field team members. The Visitor Survey provides the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with information regarding...

Navigating Conservation and Data Management

Paulina Jones  Inventory and Management (I&M) Planning Fellow – Southeast Regional Office, Georgia I started this position as a recent graduate with a B.S. in environmental management and policy, with minors in biology and legal studies, and was eager to...
Midwest Archaeological Center

Midwest Archaeological Center

Midwest Archaeological Center   Written By: Jeremy Perez My name is Jeremy Perez, and this summer I am serving at the Midwest Archaeological Center (MWAC) as an Archaeology Lab Analysis Member. For my primary project, I will analyze over one hundred samples of...
Corps to Career EPIC FWS | Ben Breslau

Corps to Career EPIC FWS | Ben Breslau

ACE EPIC FWS member Ben Breslau recently completed his term with John Heinz NWR and is now in a seasonal position with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service!         ACE Position: Environmental Education Specialist at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum    ...
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