I Am ACE | Nora Hargett

I Am ACE | Nora Hargett

Name: Nora Hargett Pronouns: She/Her Dates with ACE: 10/18/2021-1/8/2022 Position with ACE: GIS Member, New River Gorge National Park and Preserve Q: How did you first get involved in your field of interest? A: While studying Wildlife Ecology in college, I found I was...
I Am ACE | Isabel Ahlstrom

I Am ACE | Isabel Ahlstrom

My name is Isabel Ahlstrom, and I am an AmeriCorps member who joined the American Conservation Experience Mountain-West conservation corps for a 6-month term in 2018 and am now serving a year-long term with the ACE EPIC internship program. I am working as...
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